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Ethical Consideration

Ethical considerations play a significant role in maintaining the integrity, credibility, and responsible dissemination of research findings in the scientific community. When submitting research contributions to the International Journal of Police Science, Justice, and Development, researchers must address the following essential ethical considerations:

  • Authorship and Contributorship: Proper attribution of authorship to individuals who have made significant contributions to the research, while excluding those who haven't. Authors should agree on the order of authorship based on their contributions. It is encouraged to acknowledge the contributions of those who do not satisfy the criteria for authorship but have provided support or assistance to the research.
  • Plagiarism and Originality: Ensuring that the work is original and has not been published elsewhere or submitted simultaneously to other journals. Citing and referencing sources properly to avoid plagiarism. Authors should accurately attribute the ideas, data, and words of others.
  • Research Integrity: Conducting research ethically, following established protocols, and ensuring the accuracy and reliability of the data collected and analyzed. Author(s) are expected to avoid fabrication, falsification, or manipulation of data or results, and to publish study findings clearly without omitting inconvenient results.
  • Conflict of Interest: Disclosing any potential conflicts of interest that could bias the research or its interpretation. This includes financial, personal, or professional relationships that may influence the work.
  • Informed Consent and Privacy: Obtaining informed consent from participants involved in the research, ensuring they understand the purpose, risks, and benefits of their participation. Protecting the privacy and confidentiality of research participants, particularly when dealing with sensitive or identifying data, is also something that researchers are expected to address when publishing in this journal.
  • Ethical Approval and Compliance: Obtaining ethical approval from relevant institutional review boards or ethics committees before conducting research involving human subjects, animals, or sensitive data. The journal expects writers to follow ethical rules and laws related to the subject of research and the institutions involved.
  • Reporting and Transparency: Providing clear, accurate, and complete information in research publications, including methodologies, results, and interpretations, allowing other researchers to replicate the study. Transparently reporting any limits or flaws of the research, as well as uncertainties or areas requiring additional investigation, is what the author(s) are expected to do in order to be considered for publication in this journal.
  • Responsible Publication Practices: Author(s) are also expected to avoid unethical publishing tactics such as duplicate submission, repetitive publication, or salami slicing (splitting research into multiple small articles with insufficient novelty).

To preserve credibility, reliability, and trustworthiness, research published in the International Journal of Police Science, Justice, and Development must be ethically sound and credible. It should also respect the integrity and responsible conduct standards of the scientific community.
