Author Declaration Form

Oromia Police College

International Journal of Police Science Justice and Development

Author Declaration Form

I________________________the author   of   the   paper   entitled ____________________ submit my (our) manuscript to be published in International journal of Police Science, Justice and Development (IJPSJD)

  • Confirm that I have read, understood and agreed to the submission guidelines, policies and submission declaration of the journal, and transfer the copyright of the manuscript to IJPSJD;
  • Declare that is my (our) original work, free from data manipulation and is not plagiarized;
  • Declare that it has neither been published anywhere else electronically or in print nor has been submitted elsewhere for publication in a journal, book chapter or any similar form:
  • Guarantee that the authorship of this article will not be contested by anyone whose names are not listed by me as co-authors;
  • Declare that the manuscript, contains no defamatory, abusive, fraudulent elements or other unlawful statement, and does not contain any personal or property rights of any other person or institution;
  • Shall bear full responsibility for the submission on behalf of all co-authors; and
  • Agree not to withdraw the manuscript without prior consent of the journal.

We also agree the authorship of the paper in the following sequence:

Authors’ Name Sequence


Institutional affiliations of authors, email address, phone number


Full name and Signature of the person submitting the manuscript: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________