Reviewer Guideline

1. Editorial Policies of JPSJD
1.1. Introduction
1.1.1. Non-discriminatory nature of the journal: The journal upholds its integrity and quality
by subjecting its editorial policies to scrutiny. Articles are selected based on their significance,
uniqueness, and usefulness to the readership, regardless of the author's origin, gender, religion,
ethnicity, nationality, race, or political convictions. External influences such as government
policies are not taken into account when making manuscript decisions.
1.1.2. Areas of focus of the journal and review process Area of focus: The journal has a continuous publication approach and welcomes
submissions from researchers worldwide in the field of criminal justice, social sciences, law,
police science, development, and/or peace disciplines. Review process: The editorial board reviews all papers for scientific content, format,
and relevance to the journal. The work is then blindly peer-reviewed by two or more referees and
subject specialists. Authors should read and adhere to the journal's editorial guidelines to
understand the review procedure. All papers are accepted with the understanding that editorial
modifications may be made. The journal's articles are freely accessible to the public, and there
are no charges for submission, processing, or publishing of manuscripts. The journal
communicates with authors through email.
The editorial board preserves strict anonymity regarding the identity of the authors and reviewers
during the review process. To ensure anonymity during the double-blind peer-review process,
each manuscript is assigned a unique Manuscript Number, and each reviewer is assigned a
unique Reviewer ID number or code. Authors are expected to disclose any conflicts of interest
linked to the work at both the first and final submissions. Once accepted for publication, the
authors receives an email from the journal stating their readiness to grant consent again for the
initial publication and allow the journal to share the paper with global libraries in any form that
is practicable. All articles published in JPSJD can be used by the scientific community without
receiving permission from the journal for off-prints, and it is open to all researchers from many
1.1.3. Originality of the manuscript: Only original, innovative manuscripts are considered for
assessment by the JPSJD Editorial Board. The Editor-in-Chief and managing editor review
submitted articles for plagiarism and whether they have been published in any journal. In the first
editorial evaluation of quality and originality verification, manuscripts with less originality will
be immediately rejected.
1.1.4. Language and writing style used Language: The journal is published in English (using US English) and Afan Oromo
languages. Other Ethiopian languages, including Amharic, may be explored in the future
depending on a need and feasibility assessment. Writing style: It is critical to cite the relevant literature fully and accurately. The journal
requires that primary literature be cited whenever possible. In this journal, we use the APA
research writing style, and if authors, because of their discipline background, use a different
style, they need to state it in advance and follow the rules of that style. Among the general
guidelines for manuscript submission are rules on how to cite sources and write references in
APA format.
1.1.5. Decision makers, and review results and decisions in relation to manuscripts for
publication Decision makers: The journal's Editorial Board, comprised of research experts, manages
the publication process and coordinates peer-review. Review result and decisions in relation to the manuscript: After the author's identity
is concealed to ensure anonymity, the manuscript undergoes evaluation by the Editor-in-Chief
and Managing Editor, in consultation with other editors. If the manuscript does not meet the
required quality standards for peer-review, it is rejected, and the author is notified via email. The
Editor-in-Chief informs the authors to prepare and submit a final copy of their manuscript. This
copy is reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief before being sent to double-blind reviewers. The Editorin-Chief assigns two reviewers to conduct peer-review of the manuscript. The reviewers
complete a Peer-Review Form and submit it along with their recommendation for action on the
manuscript. Their recommendation on the manuscript may be for one of the following actions:
A. "Accept as is",
B. "Reconsider after minor revisions",
C. "Reconsider after moderate revisions",
D. "Reconsider after major revisions", or
E. "Reject because manuscript is flawed or not sufficiently novel".
The reviewers summarize and comment on the manuscript's strengths and weaknesses,
recommending necessary revisions. The Editor-in-Chief notifies the author(s) of the review
outcome via email. If the two peer reviewers recommend acceptance, and all publication criteria
are met, the manuscript is accepted for publication. If the peer reviewers suggest revisions, the
authors are asked to submit a final copy of their manuscript together with a cover letter outlining
the revisions made. After the revisions, the peer reviewers fill in and forward the revised PeerReview Form to the Editor-in-Chief, who notifies the author(s) of the manuscript's acceptance
for publication. If both peer reviewers recommend rejection, the manuscript is rejected. If only
one reviewer suggests rejection, the Editor-in-Chief can reject or reconsider the manuscript after
sending it to a third reviewer or revising it accordingly. The following subsections state detailed
editorial policy of the journal.
1.2. Conflict of Interest
1.2.1. Conflict of Interest principle: For a transparent nature of the publishing process, all
parties involved in the article should reveal any possible association which poses a conflict of
interest in connection with the manuscript. The journal requires that all authors disclose any
potential sources of conflict of interest. It is understood that upon submission of an article, the
authors acknowledge the sources of funding and any related associations or assistance from any
third parties related to the article. Reviewers are responsible for revealing any potential conflicts
with the article in review, and it is strongly advised that the reviewers should not consider them
for review.
1.2.2. Type and sources of conflict of interest: Any financial interests, or relationships or
connections, direct or indirect, or other situations that might raise the question of bias in the work
reported or the conclusions, implications or opinions stated including pertinent commercial or
other sources of funding for the individual author(s) or for the associated department or
organization, personal relationships, or direct academic competitions are disclosed if any.
Potential sources of conflict of interest include, but are not limited to: patent or stock ownership,
membership of a company board of directors, membership of an advisory board or committee for
a company, and consultancy for or receipt of speaker's fees from a company. The existence of a
conflict of interest does not preclude publication. It is the corresponding author's responsibility to
review this policy with all authors. He/she is collectively to disclose with the submission all
pertinent commercial and other relationships if any. Generally,
1.2.3. Ways of managing conflict of interest: JPSJD manages conflicts of interest in the
following manner.
A. Authors’ Conflicts of Interest: Authors are asked during the submission process to
declare any potential conflicts of interest for the Editor-in-Chief’s consideration.
Examples include employment, funding sources, owning shares and payment for
lectures or travel. Should a potential conflict of interest exist, it must be declared and
included in the published version if the article is accepted for publication. A potential
conflict of interest does not necessarily mean that the submission will be rejected.
B. Reviewers’ Conflicts of Interest: Reviewers are asked to declare any potential
conflicts of interest in the manuscript review form. Examples include submissions by
family members or students and determining the authors' identity. A conflict of interest
does not necessarily invalidate the review report.
C. Editors’ Conflicts of Interest: The same policy for authors’ conflicts of interest
applies when editors write editorials, non-reviewed front page articles and manuscripts
for peer review. An editor will step down as editor for a document after appointing
reviewers and reaching a decision on it. This is if there is a conflict of interest. This is
like a submission from a family member or student.
D. Editorial Advisory Board Members: Members of the Editorial Advisory Board can
publish in the Journal. Submissions received from Board members are treated like
other submissions for blind review and confidentiality.
1.3. Submission Policy
1.3.1. Principle: Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been
previously published, that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that it will not
be submitted elsewhere until under consideration by this journal, and that its publication is
approved by all authors and, implicitly or explicitly, by the authorities responsible where the
work was carried out. Submitting a paper signifies that all authors have seen and approved the
manuscript and its contents. In addition, they know the obligations of authorship. Signatures
from all authors are not required; it is the corresponding author's obligation to obtain agreement
from all authors who support the submission.
1.3.2. Procedure to be followed in submitting the manuscript: Manuscripts should be
submitted online on A4 size paper with single spacing. A signed manuscript submission form
should be included with the manuscript. JPSJD only accepts electronic submissions in Word
format to expedite publication and decrease administrative costs. The author, in addition to what
has been stated in this section, must strictly adhere to the submission and stylistic rules for
authors outlined in this document.
1.3.3. Root of communication with regard to submitted manuscript: The corresponding
author will be notified when an original manuscript is received and a paper is accepted. The
editorial board directly communicates with the Corresponding Author, who communicates with
all other authors.
1.4. Ethical and Plagiarism Policy
1.4.1. Ethical issue: If the research involves human or animal subjects, each manuscript should
include the name of the ethical approval authority/IRB/ethical committee/institution head, as
well as the reference number. The author should provide a legal exemption letter expressing such
facts if not required. If applicable, the author should include a scanned PDF copy of the ethical
approval/exemption letter with the manuscript submission. Preferably towards the end of the
methods section/before the references section, include a statement of informed consent obtained
from the patient/participants/respondent or client-owned animals. If necessary, the editor may
request that an author send a scanned PDF copy for written consent.
1.4.2. Plagiarism policy: The journal’s plagiarism policy takes all suspected or alleged cases of
plagiarism very seriously. Before peer review, we scan all manuscripts submitted for publication
to ensure their originality and check for potential plagiarism. JPSJD reviews similarity reports
individually to determine if there is any plagiarism. Ways of handling plagiarism related issues: If JPSJD suspects that a manuscript has
been plagiarized, it will investigate it. JPSJD may receive a report from a reviewer or detect it
through its plagiarism detection scan. JPSJD examine all relevant documentation and evidence to
determine the extent of the plagiarism. If it is a minor case, it will inform the author's institution
and funding body, but no further action will be taken. If it is a major case, we will inform the
corresponding author that the manuscript is rejected. JPSJD will also inform the author's
institution and funding body, and the reader or reviewer who reported the suspected plagiarism
of its investigation outcome.
For published articles, JPSJD will acknowledge and investigate all suspected cases of plagiarism
reported to it. If it is a minor case, it will publish a statement online indicating the plagiarized
material and appropriate references. If it is a major case, it will retract the article and publish a
statement acknowledging the original author/s. JPSJD will inform the author's institution and
funding body, the original author/s and publisher of the offence. The corresponding author will
be questioned, and they will be barred from submitting to JPSJD Journal in the future. JPSJD
will also inform the reader or reviewer who reported the suspected plagiarism of its investigation
1.5. Peer Review Policy
Individuals who have been verified as reviewers will be emailed an invitation which will offer
them the option to accept or decline the request for review. Once the review guidelines are
accepted, the reviewer will be provided with the complete manuscript and a review response
form. The manuscript will be assessed by independent researchers with expertise in the relevant
research area to determine its originality, validity, and significance. This thorough evaluation
process enables editors to make an informed decision whether or not the manuscript should be
published in the prestigious JPSJD journal. It is imperative to note that all studies must be
scientifically valid. This means that research articles must be based on a sound research question.
They must employ appropriate methods and analyses, and adhere to community-accepted
standards relevant to the research field.
1.6. Confidentiality, Privacy Statement and Press Restraint Policy
1.6.1. Confidentiality: All submitted articles and correspondence with the Editorial Office
should be treated as secret by authors, reviewers, and editorial staff. Names, affiliations, email
addresses, and other personal information supplied to us and/or collected by us will be
maintained and used solely for the stated purposes of this journal without the consent of the
corresponding author. It will not be available to anyone else, if the corresponding author wishes
1.6.2. Privacy statement: In scholarly publishing, information on the authors, editors, reviewers,
and others participating in the editorial and publishing process is still required for the journal's
aims. We keep a record of the reviewing, editing, and publishing process in accordance with
standard publishing practices.
1.6.3. Press restraint: All manuscripts are subject to a media embargo from the time they are
submitted until the article is published online or the manuscript is rejected. Before publication,
authors may discuss their publications or discoveries with the media, but they must follow the
media embargo. It is best to notify the editorial office of any pending media stories so that they
can assist you, particularly with regard to the publishing date. The major findings of an article
should not be shared to the press until it has been published online. All media reports based on a
published article should provide the complete source or a link to the article online.
1.7. Policy on Corrections
A published article becomes part of the published record and cannot be changed or withdrawn. If
a published article contains a serious error that affects the article's accuracy, for example, a
correction will be released. Minor faults, such as typographical errors, are rarely fixed. Errata
and corrigenda are the terms used to describe corrections. Errata and corrigenda are published at
the Editor-in-Chief's discretion. An erratum or corrigendum will be posted online and linked to
the original article. An erratum is a correction to a mistake made by the journal during editing or
production. Before publication, the author will be given the option to approve an erratum. The
correction of an error made by the author or writers is referred to as rectification or corrigenda.
1.8. Article Retraction Policy
Published articles should remain accessible and intact. However, in exceptional cases, including
plagiarism, redundant publication, or data problems, papers may need to be retracted, withdrawn,
or replaced to maintain the integrity of the literature. The need for a retraction will be evaluated
by the Editor-in-Chief; however, it may be undertaken at the request of the author(s) in cases of
erroneous data or conclusions. The goal of retraction is to protect the integrity of science, not to
punish the author. An article can be withdrawn by the author at any point after publication by
submitting a written request with justification. The publisher will decide whether to retract a
published piece after consulting with the relevant editor. A retraction notice will be published in
the next issue if an article is withdrawn. This retraction notice will:
A. Include the title and authors of the article, the cause for the retraction, and who
retracts the article.
B. Be linked to the article online.
1.9. Copyright and Open-access Policy
1.9.1: Copyright: The author(s) hold full copyright to their article and give JPSJD and its
publisher "Oromia Police College" non-exclusive publishing rights. The author(s) are allowed to
store the pre-print, post-print, and published version/PDF to any open access, institutional
repository, social media, or personal website, provided that the published source is cited with a
reference and a link to the publisher's version. However, authors may not deposit the final
version of their manuscript in a subject or institutional repository until published. Authors are
responsible for ensuring that their papers do not infringe on intellectual property rights. If
authors use previously protected works, they must provide evidence that the copyright holder has
given permission for their use. The authors also give third parties the right to use the article as
long as the integrity of the article is maintained. The original authors, citation information, and
publisher are also included.
1.9.2. Open access: JPSJD's content is instantly available to the public because making research
freely accessible to the public promotes global knowledge exchange. Users can read, download,
copy, distribute, print, search, and link to the entire text of these articles. They can also use them
for legal reasons. JPSJD articles are readily available to the public via any channel at no cost to
the user or their institution
1. 10. Appeals and Complaints Policy Appeals: If an author feels that a decision regarding his or her submission was unjust,
he or she has the right to appeal. To do so, he or she must send a letter explaining the details of
the appeal and why he or she believes the decision was unfair. This letter should be submitted to
the Editor-in-Chief within ten days of the decision. The Editor-in-Chief will review all necessary
documents related to the submission, consult with relevant Assistant/Associate Editors or
Reviewers, and may even assign a new Reviewer to evaluate the submission before making a
final decision.
1.10.2. Complaints: If an author has concerns about the Journal's rules, processes, or editorial
personnel conduct, they can email their specific complaint to either the Managing Editor or
Editor-in-Chief. All complaints received through the proper channels will be acknowledged, and
the decision will be communicated to the complainant. Complaints will be resolved as quickly as
1.11. Amendments or Repeals to the Policies and Guidelines
To modify or repeal this document's policies and guidelines, the editor in chief must present a
draft amendment or repeal to the Editorial Board of Editors during a meeting. If three-fourths of
the members support the proposed changes, it will be brought to the College's Senate by at least
three members of the Board of Editors or Senate. Approval from at least half of the Senate
members is required for the amendment or repeal to take effect.